Municipal Management & Oversight
GreenRenewable partners with local governments and municipalities to help them meet New York’s mandated recycling goals through the management of wood and yard waste.
Our NYS Department of Environmental Conservation registered organic materials facility accepts leaf and limb substance (leaves, grass clippings and small branches) from local communities. The yard byproduct from both residential and commercial properties is diverted from landfills and transported here by truck.
When processed properly, wood and yard waste can be turned into usable products. Forest byproducts we take in are ground, processed, separated into proper sized and stored. While brush and wood debris collected by other companies and municipalities is generally disposed of in landfills, GreenRenewable instead grinds the debris into mulch and compost additives. This minimizes the generation of greenhouse gases and reliance on waste disposal.
Whether it’s our own facility or a locality, we assist each agency we work with in its compliance with state and federal environmental guidelines.
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